Saturday, December 24, 2011

What I'm Thankful For Fridays

First Semester
- New city
- New friends 
- Nu Sigma Pi
- Coffee, coffee, and more coffee
- Sharpie highlighters 
- Moksha Yoga which kept me sane
- Perseverance 
- Letters from home
- Yogurt and berries
- Breakfasts at Fathers and Sons
- My cozy yet homey apartment
- New found independence 
- New found responsibility
- Lauren coming to visit
- The friends that kept in touch 

- My parents 
- My bed!
- My best friends all being together again
- My sister
- My dog - Jack
- The little bit of snow on the ground
- Having a car to drive again (freedom!)
- Moksha yoga Edmonton (
- Unofficial high school reunions 
- hugs, hugs, and more hugs 


Sunday, December 18, 2011

What I'm Thankful for Fridays (on a Sunday)

- Endless hours of studying paying off
- Cute cards from my parents 
- My snuggie (I thought they were ridiculous until NΣΠ gave them to us as our 
Christmas presents. They even have our letters on them, how cute right?)
- Hummus 
- True, honest to goodness, best friends
- The fact that I land in YEG from Ottawa at 10:16 and my best friend 
lands from Vancouver at 10:31, airport reunion anyone?


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


That's how many sleeps I have until I'm in my Edmonton bed again, until I'm with my best friends again, until I can get a bear hug from my dad. I haven't been this excited for something in... I can't remember how long. It's funny because I'm not even looking forward to actual Christmas like I would when I was younger, I'm looking forward to Christmas break, to being around the people who really get me, and to be able to sit back and relax for the first time in a long time. My break to-do list will be up soon but for now it's mostly filled with time with my best friends, yoga, sleeping in, and making new memories to bring back to Ottawa with me. 


Saturday, December 10, 2011

What I'm Thankful For Fridays

- flannel 
- wool
- glasses 
- water
- tea
- sweatpants
- my best friends
- hugs
- toothpaste 
- laugher
- Tim Hortons 

- C

Realization of the Week

So today I heard a quote, it's actually a part of a youtube video that a guy made that talks about how women's bodies have been objectified and respect towards something so sacred has ultimately been lost among the majority of the male population today. The quote was:

"you should have to touch her heart and her mind first before you touch her body"

I'm not saying I'm a perfect or pure person by any means, but this really struck a chord with me. I don't know when it became okay to expect something on the first date, let alone the first night of meeting someone. I think the way that society has progressed is a disgrace to how it used to be, regarding casual flings. Yes, I believe that everyone deserves to be liberated at some point in their life and live life with no regrets, but only to an extent is this possible. I can't imagine anyone being perfectly fine in having relations with someone who doesn't even know their last name, let alone something about them that actually is meaningful. I'm not talking about the colour of their hair or what school they go to, but something about them as a person. Maybe they love dogs, or went on an exchange to France, or love to do yoga in their spare time. I think by knowing someone on a deeper level, a connection can be made that only adds to the quality of the experience that may or may not come out of it. I'm not saying living life without regrets isn't possible, I'm just saying that it's very unrealistic with anyone who has a moral compass or who possesses a level of self respect that should be universal. I came to the realization this past weekend that there's a difference between regretting something and wishing something had never happened. I believe that I fit better into the category of wishing some events in my life had never happened, but I don't necessarily regret them. I don't wake up every morning feeling like crap because of it, but at the same time if I could go back to that night I might choose a different outcome. 

Long story short, I just want all the girls out there to know that it's okay to not want to fit into the norm. Although hookups and one nighters might be what's "cool" these days or something that isn't seen as wrong at all, it's completely honorable to want to hold yourself above it all, and say to yourself that you deserve better: that better being is a guy who is willing to get to know your heart and soul before he even meets your body. 


Friday, December 2, 2011

What I'm Thankful For Fridays

So today has been kind of an off week. Got some marks back that I'm not too happy about, had some weird emotions running through my mind, and overall I just am so glad it's Friday. Lately, I've been finding some little things in life that have been keeping my spirits up, which I think can be accredited to my low level of homesickness, regardless of the fact I'm not loving a lot of stuff going on right now. I decided that every Friday (that I can remember) I'm going to do a little post about the things this week, big or little, that I am thankful for because I'm a true believer that if you focus on the good things in life, life is a lot better than it could be. 

What I'm thankful for this Friday:

-My best friend Chrissy
-Zen tea from Starbucks
-Happy bus drivers 
-Florence and the Machine (recommended by Chrissy)
-My first gay friend ever, who makes my day every time I run into him on campus
-Isabelle, who I consider my best friend in Ottawa, and her talks that keep me sane
-Sabrina, one of my pledge sisters, who I can tell anything to
-Skype for keeping me in contact with all of my friends/family across the country 
-Brightly coloured nail polish
-Being able to go home for the holidays (T minus 17 days) 

"Optimism is the key" - Will Champion 


Sunday, November 27, 2011


It's Sunday which is a great day for not only reflection of the past week but planning for the next. Here's a list of the things I have to get done by this time next week:
-find a semi dress
-write my communications term paper
-find a threading place here in Ottawa (wish me luck)
-goal is to go to 5+ moksha classes (optimism is key)
-do my final big grocery shop of the semester 
-pay rent (wahh)
-have the time of my life at semi yaaaaay

Here we go, another week, another 7 days to live the dream :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hello World, It's Me, Claire

It's been far too long since I've posted anything here but I promise I have legitimate excuses:

1. The week leading up to this one was the busiest I've had yet with school/pledging responsibilities
2. I've been home for the past week! (best week ever yippee)
3. I've been spending my extra time catching up with friends & my yoga practice

Anyways! Here I am with bundles of things to type. Firstly, I'm packing to go back to Ottawa on Sunday and I just came to the realization that I will have to wear my parka on the plane. Why you ask? Well one of the reasons I came home during our fall reading week (blessing in disguise) was to load up on my winter clothes. Tonight while packing I gave myself a premature pat on the back before I had realized that I hadn't packed ANY of my winter jackets yet (let's just say I have a little more than 5...). This means I'll have to bring a total of three, yes 3, suitcases back to Ottawa with me. I may look like an over-packer but my excuse is that I'm still in the middle of a move (two months in shh). 

This week in Edmonton has made me more thankful than ever for everything that I have here. To begin with, an amazing family. I've had the chance to spend some time with both parents, grabbing lunch or running errands, and a lot of time with my sister (even though it was mainly chauffeuring her around town). I will never take a house for granted again. A house with a washer and dryer that you don't have to pay for, a full fridge, a car for just me to get from point A to B in less than half an hour (ps OC transpo I'm still bitter towards you). Anyways, long story short, I have become thankful for my family and household more than I ever have been.

Secondly, I've had a chance to spend time with good friends. From teammates (who I consider family), to best friends that I've had since I was a toddler, I've had coffee dates and hang out sessions with a lot of people who mean the world to me. I not only got to catch up with my best friend Lauren, but my favourite hockey team (Edmonton Oilers of course) on Tuesday as they beat the Vancouver Canucks. Wednesday I returned to Rexall Place (the hockey arena in Edmonton) to watch some friends on the Everett Silvertips take on the Edmonton Oilkings. Although the Silvertips were defeated, the game was entertaining and the Rexall beer was refreshing as always. Last night (Thursday) I got to watch my ex-boyfriend (still good friend) play volleyball in a high level men's league in Edmonton which was also quite the treat. Today being almost the end to my time at home, I spent with my dad and sister mostly, grabbing lunch and running errands before having a dinner date with the formerly mentioned ex-boyfriend/buddy situation. I've come to realize that everything in life doesn't have to have a label and if you enjoy someone's company, you should embrace it, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Tomorrow will be a busy day finishing up packing and running around before the annual CUCA Spooka that my former university puts on. I can't wait to get all dressed up (as Jane from Tarzan), and have one last night with my (ex) volleyball team before heading back East. 

This week has been truly amazing, and was a much needed break from all the craziness that has been taking place in Ottawa, time commitment-wise. Although I've had a beyond fantastic time at home, it is going to be most difficult to say goodbye to everyone, some more than others. Let's just say that many-a-tear will be shed between now and Sunday morning when I will be dragging my (hungover) tush onto a plane headed to YOW. 

My eyes have been opened to many things this week, unconditional love, the value of memories, and the level of importance to tell those close to you how much you care, being a few. I don't want to have to say goodbye to all of these people again but I have to keep reminding myself that I'll be back in one and a half months (more like two full, long, dreary months... but I try not to tell myself that).

Until next time


Friday, October 7, 2011

Not Going Home

So this weekend is Thanksgiving and everyone keeps asking me if I'm going home to see family. The answer is unfortunately no because flying 5ish hours home to be there for less than 3 full days just isn't really worth it. I didn't really realize how much I'd care/ that I'd care at all until I saw literally every second student toting a suitcase to the campus bus stop today. I'm really going to miss spending this holiday with family and friends but I'm looking forward to being home for fall reading week! (October 21-30)! 



So I've been MIA lately and there are a few explanations as to why:
1. My apartment doesn't have internet (yet). I never knew how much I relied on the web until I didn't have it. Let's hope that it's all set up by this time next week so I can really be back in action!
2. Rush is over, I received a bid, which means pledging begins. A long and busy process that I have to keep reassuring myself will be worth all the hard work in the end. 
3. I had a midterm and a major assignment due this week, stressful but they're over! Yippee! 


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Prints for the New Pad

Being in the middle of the move, I've been slacking on the blog front lately. I thought I'd give you some sneak peeks as to what my new apartment will look like by sharing some of the "artwork" I've chosen. Luckily there was an art/poster/print fair on my campus for the past week, and I had a chance to pick up some prints that I think are pretty awesome. 

 Andy Warhol Print (My personal fave)

 Some people might be confused as to how a Top Gun 
poster made the cut, I've watched the movie 20+ times 
with my dad and it just brings back a sense of my childhood, 
as weird as that may be. 
 I'm not going to lie and say I'm a huge Bob Marley fan, 
but I think these words are very grounding and 
I love the pop of red. 

One of my favourite cities in the world, New York. 
I love how bright this one is, and although this print is huge, 
I think it will bring some much needed colour into my place.

There's your sneak peek! I promise to post photos once I'm all moved in!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days of the Week

Traditionally, most people have connotations connected to different days of the week. Monday is usually a groggy day, seeing as it's following the weekend and means returning to real life, work, school etc. Tuesday for my friends and I typically goes hand in hand with a bar back home that offers two dollar pints, and this summer it virtually replaced the weekend. Wednesday, or hump day, is seen as the one you need to get through before the sprint to the weekend. Thursday... I can't really think of anything except for it being the day before Friday (TGIF). Saturday tends to be more fun than Sunday, which is usually a day of rest, recovery, and rejuvenation before the beginning of yet another week. And on goes the cycle...

This year, I'm trying to start not only week a fresh, but every day. Whether it be starting it with a relaxing yoga class, a cup of coffee, or a walk by the canal, I'm trying to redefine every day of the week. I've finally come to accept more often than not, opting out on going out on weekends. Also, I've been trying to enjoy Mondays as a bright start to the week, not holding a grudge against them as I have in the past. In doing so, I hope that my feelings towards every day turn into an invigoration of what's to come. Being thankful for every moment, every day, whether it be a Friday (wahoo!) or an ever dreaded Monday. 

I'm not sure how long this new theory on the days of the week is going to pan out but I'm going to try to stick with it, I mean who knows, maybe days have feelings too.


Monday, September 26, 2011

New Week, New Routine

So today was day one of my new yoga in the morning routine. Heading to the Ottawa Moksha studio for a 7:30 class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (tiredness wise). I had to get up at 6:20 to catch the 6:40 bus but to be completely honest I felt like I had accomplished something as I strutted out of class at 8:30. I mean I was already finished my workout for the day, I was awake, and I could get my day started. Now, it's 4 hours later and I still feel ridiculously energized. It might be partially thanks to the double tall caramel macchiato in my hand, but let's just say it's thanks to my morning yoga ;) We'll see if tomorrow goes as smoothly, fingers crossed!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Apartment To Be

So a week from today I get to move into my new place (yay!) and this is one of the first photos I've stumbled upon that looks like it might actually work with the amount of space I have:


I absolutely love the idea of using hanging curtains to divide a studio-style apartment, and although this will mean my bed will have to be on the door side of the apartment, I think I can live with that. I also found a paint combination that I am in love with, and I'm thinking of doing the wall that will be the first thing you see as you walk in (my "bedroom") this beautiful "seagrove" colour (Benjamin Moore). Check out the colour combination and let me know what you think!


The Simple Things In Life

-the feeling of the wind in my hair while riding my bike
-a good cup of coffee
-yogurt and berries
-keeping in touch with friends
-cheddar goldfish crackers
-my baby cousin


Wine Review #1

So tonight I rushed to my local wine store after grabbing coffee with some friends who were in town, and to my luck I made it there just in time! (They close at 11 here). Unfortunately, they didn't have any wines from my favourite winery, Cassilero Del Diablo (Diablo for short) so I settled for a different bottle than usual. Inniskillin 2010 Pinot Noir was the wine of choice this evening and I have to say, they've done very well with this one. Personally I usually only drink pinot noir, merlot, or malbec if i'm drinking red because I find shiraz and cab sauv's too heavy and bitter, unless they're Diablos of course in which case I'll drink literally anything. 

Price: $14 CAD
Product of: Canada: Niagara Peninsula 
Taste in 3 words: light, crisp, sour
Overall experience: 8/10 
Bang for your buck: 7/10 

Overall, this was a great wine for a relaxing night in. It would be perfect with a mild pasta dish or simple brie and crackers. I would buy this wine again but I don't think it will be replacing my love for Diablo anytime soon. 


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Putting Knowledge to Work

So for those of you who don't know, I'm a Sociology major and sometimes it has its benefits. This year, more than ever, I have found myself trying to make connections (or making them inadvertently) between the people around me and their surroundings. My newest observation you ask? What people wear to yoga tells you a lot about the city you're in.
Now, you may be thinking, this girl is definitely off her rocker, but hear me out. I come from Edmonton, where living is (pretty) easy and political views come in a full range from PC all the way to the Green party. Moving to Ottawa, a much more conservative city in all terms, restaurants close early, shops are closed Sundays, people actually move for the elderly on the bus... it's just a whole new world. 
So, what does all of this have to do with yoga? Well, yesterday I went to the Moksha studio here in Ottawa for the first time since arriving. My best friend Chrissy and I fell in love with Moksha this summer in Edmonton, and I made it a goal of mine to work it into my schedule here in Ottawa as well. Anyways, walking into the studio, I noticed that the age of the participants ranged from young adult to... old. Also, the room was packed, I mean Edmonton yoga gets busy but this was literally a sardine feeling. Next, I observed that I was the only one, in a class of 60+ who was wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra... little did I know that the conservative political views here in Ottawa transferred directly into the unspoken dress code of this studio. This made me think of every single person I know who does Moksha in Edmonton, bearing little if anything more than a sports bra and short shorts, even men wear minimal clothing. Maybe as you go west across Canada not only the yoga dress code gets less serious, but so do the people. At least I've noticed the opposite going east. 
Long story short, that's my Sociology knowledge going to use...for once. Who knows if I'm right, but I feel like I'm on to something. 


Thursday, September 22, 2011


So today I had to go to a funeral and although I wasn't extremely close to the one who was lost, the service really got me thinking about life. 

First of all how important family is. The family got up to speak today, first the daughters, then the granddaughters, and everything they were saying hit me really hard. I'm extremely close with my Dad and Mom and I can't imagine losing either of them. I think everyone goes through a few phases in life, idolizing their parents, hatred towards their parents (or just pure bratty-ness), and then a stronger love than ever towards them. Luckily, I can say I'm finally in the third stage. My parents have done so much for me and although I got kind of sick of the 11 o'clock weeknight curfew, and the not-much-after 2am one on weekends, now that I'm away for school, I appreciate everything they have done. They have managed to raise a pretty responsible and mature person for my age. I opted out on drinking tonight and last, choosing sleep over shenanigans. I'm happy my parents taught me the value of education, confidence, and bravery. Most importantly I'm happy my parents showed me a perfect example of unconditional love, which I hope I can teach to my children, and share with my future husband one day. I love my dad, mom, and sister more than they will ever know. 

Secondly, friends are everything, especially to me. I am so grateful to have a close group of girlfriends who I know I can talk to about absolutely anything, and although they may have an opinion on the topic they never judge me for who I am or what decision I end up making. My friends are an amazing group of people, most who I love with literally all of my heart. I think Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City was very wise when she suggested that "Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with". 

Last but not least, the service today really highlighted what a perfect marriage should look like. The couple had been together for 63 years. I can't imagine being 63, let alone spending that many years with a single person. They kept on referring to how strong their love was and how it was evident every single day. For those who are close to me, they know I can't wait to get married. To have a husband to take care of, to have that aspect of unconditional love in my everyday life, and someone to be my best friend and my teammate to take on the big bad world with. I dream of not only my wedding day, but the birth of my first child (if we decide we want kids...), and the day I get to celebrate my 50th anniversary. I am a self proclaimed hopeless romantic, but I think you need to shoot for the stars if you want to achieve a marriage that literally lasts a lifetime. I can't wait for my love story to begin. 

Anyways, long story short, if you love someone, tell them. If you're grateful for your parents/grandparents/siblings let them know. Don't let a day go by where you're simply living an average life, because life is a true gift that most people take for granted these days. 


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maroon 5 Love Affair

So lately I've been in a hopeless romantic mood, what else is new? Anyways I picked up a copy of Maroon 5's latest album, Hands All Over, and it's been on repeat ever since. These guys, lead by the dreamy vocals of Adam Levine, have always had a knack for the not-so-sappy love songs. One of my favourite tracks is "I Can't Lie". Check out this album for upbeat, toe-tapping songs that will have you humming the whole day long!



Over the past few days I have decided I need a pair of these little darlings. They are so versatile and can be worn with nearly everything, but as comfortable as a slipper? Sign me up! I just need to decide which style is right for me. I'm leaning towards a pretty basic pair from SoftMoc but am oh so tempted by the gorgeous pairs made by UGG. I'm going to do my research this week and hopefully have a new pair of feet-loving, toe-hugging, moccasins by the end of this weekend! 






Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday Funday

Today was a productive one to say the least. Went to class, got some much needed errand running taken care of, and ended the day with a mixer with TKE. My day in six words?


Monday, September 19, 2011

My Day in 3 Photos

 I got a new bike today, it's a Leader road bike and I've never been so excited. Living in Ottawa, it's crazy to realize I can survive (barely) without a car. To make the transition a little easier, I decided to invest in my new two wheeled best friend! I feel like because I don't have a car here, having a bike will make the city much more accessible (thank goodness). I've done a lot of walking the past few weeks and I'm sure my feet will thank me for finally getting a bike. ALSO this means I can go to yoga again! Seeing as the walk to the studio is 35 minutes and so is the bus, but by bike somehow it only takes 10! Yippee!

 My midnight snack, a pepperoni pita pizza, need I say more? 

My evening...and so the never-ending readings begin again. School is officially in session folks. 


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mmm Breakfast

So lately, I've been obsessed with two kinds of blogs. First, fashion, I don't know why, I've never been much of a fashionista, but I feel like lately more than ever I am really beginning to appreciate peoples eyes for fashion. Secondly, I'm loving food blogs, because who doesn't love food? For me, I've always loved breakfast. Wether it be cereal, an egg, or pancakes, breakfast has a special place in my heart because it reminds me of mornings at the cabin, or at home, when the whole family would be together. Or, of course, the hangover breakfasts that my closest friends and I get to share quite often during the summer months. One of my favourite breakfast staples has always been the family breakfast sandwich. My dad has been making these for as long as I can remember, they're delicious, and they hit (almost) all the food groups. You will need:

-an english muffin (I prefer whole wheat)
-an egg
-black forest ham
-cheddar cheese 
-fry pan
-baking sheet

To begin, slice the english muffin in two and place it in the toaster. While the muffin is toasting, slice enough cheese to cover one face of the muffin. Place the egg in the fry pan and cook to your liking (personally I love over easy as the yolk oozes out in the sandwich mmm). When the toaster pops, remove the muffin halves and cover one face with the cheddar cheese, and the other with enough ham to cover the face (usually 1 or 2 slices). Place the two muffin halves onto the baking sheet and broil until the cheese begins to bubble. Remove the muffin from the oven and place the egg onto the ham half, season with salt and pepper if you would like, and place the cheese half on top. Voila! You have a breakfast sandwich in less than 5 minutes! Usually I have this with a large glass of orange juice or coffee, and some yogurt with either strawberries or raspberries. Starts the day off on an absolutely delicious note! 


Friday, September 16, 2011


So today is Friday (thank God seriously). This week felt like it was going by so quickly but it was a busy one and I just can't wait until I don't have to wake up to my alarm, unfortunately that will be Sunday and not tomorrow, oh well. Today after I was finished classes, I had a nice workout (only cardio, I was too lazy/antsy to do weights) and then headed to the grocery store. I found myself with a new mentality while perusing the aisles than I used to have in Edmonton. Now, living on my own, I have to be a little more conscious of what I'm spending and I caught myself going for the crackers/cheese/yogurt that was on sale (yay me). I wasn't planning on doing a HUGE grocery shop today, but that's what ended up happening, two hundred and something dollars later I have a jam-packed fridge finally! I look forward to making myself real meals this week as opposed to grilled cheese and tomato soup, or spaghetti and pasta sauce, although both will remain favorites for quick eats. 
Tomorrow I don't have too too much planned, I'm meeting up with a potential bike seller seeing as I'm really in the need of one without a car here. It seems that everyone in Ottawa rides bikes, I wonder if/when this will ever happen in Edmonton. After (hopefully) purchasing the bike, I have an Amazing Race function with one of the sororities I'm going through rush with, and then might be going out tomorrow night. I feel so old lately that staying up past midnight seems like a chore so we'll see if nightlife and I can get along this year or not. 
Sundays, I always set aside for me time. By me time, I really meen school time, sifting through my readings for the week, and church if I'm lucky, although I haven't been able to make it out to a service since I've moved east, maybe this weekend it will happen, that would be nice. 
As for now, I'm browsing my favorite blogs with a Venti Zen tea in one hand (one teabag only, with 2 sugars, and steamed milk) and a brownie in the other, at my new favorite Starbucks on Elgin Street (in my new city? scary how that sounds...). It's silly how I almost forgot it was a Friday night, until I made my way out my door and was greeted by people dressed up and gathering around the doorways of restaurants and bars along Elgin. Lucky me, dressed in leggings, a hoodie, and doning my glasses (eye savers these days) I stuck out like a sore thumb. Oh well, these days I'd rather be reading/studying/lounging than going out, how lame am I? It brings up a question I've been asking myself lately, are the words lame and mature interchangeable these days? I'll leave that up to you to decide. As for me, I'm going to be "mature" and hit the sheets before midnight on a Friday night.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

E.E. Cummings

I've really been loving on lots of quotes lately, and have been trying to find one specific one to incorporate into my new apartment (possession date is October 1st and it really can't come soon enough). While looking at quotes I stumbled upon so many by EE Cummings. Here's a (not-so-short) collection of the ones that I really like/love/adore

"Laughing is just another way of showing people you're wise"

"Only by you my heart always moves"

"Kisses are a better fate than wisdom"

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter"

"Unbeing dead isn't being alive"

"Unless you love someone, nothing else matters"

"One's not half of two, two are halves of one"

"I like my body when it is with your body. It is quite a new thing. Muscles better & nerves more"

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiousity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals human spirit

"Most people are perfectly afraid of silence" 

"Love is the every only god" 

"The earth laughs in flowers" 

I know so many have to do with love but I couldn't help it, hopeless romantic over here. 


My Day in 6 Words


Night night world


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thinking of Writing a Book

I'm seriously considering writing a book, I think I would call it "How to Survive Your First Year of Uni". It would include so many handy tips such as: 
-Regardless of how convenient a roller backpack makes your life, you look like an idiot
-Take notes by hand, not on your laptop, studies show it uses a different part of your brain that allows you to recall the information more accurately 
-If you don't know where you're going, get out of the way 
-Don't walk 2 or 3 or 4 across, it's just annoying
-Walking is like driving (stay to the right)
-If you want to avoid the freshman 15, maybe choose a salad or sandwich for lunch instead of pizza or a burger
- Most universities include a fitness center membership in tuition, get use of it, studies show people who exercise regularly can access learned information at a better rate than those who don't 
-If you don't know where something is, ask
-Don't wear full pink outfits
-Drink lots of water
-Coffee is your new best friend

I could probably ramble on for at least 100-200 pages... I think we may have a bestseller in the making


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Few of My Favourite Things Today

- Bachelor Pad: garbage tv I know but once you start watching it's impossible to stop
- Casillero Diablo wine, tonight I had the Cab Sauv, its SO good, I also really love their merlot
- Skype, whoever invented it really needs not only a pat on the back but a smooch on the lips
- This puppy:
I really want a puppy to keep me company here but I need to weigh out the pros and cons and really think over the commitment (15+ years) 
- The neighbourhood I'm living in right now, SO gorgeous, steps away from the Rideau Canal and almost too convenient in terms of proximity of coffee shops, restaurants, stores, etc. 
-Sleeping for 8+ hours a night (definitely needing it)
-The workout I had today, definitely got my sweat on weeooo
-EE Cummings quotes (I'll post some of my faves soon!)


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Studyday

Today I had my first Sunday Studyday of the semester, cracking open my anthro 2108 book for the first time. I chose to set up shop at Bridgehead, a cute little coffee shop on Elgin Street, about a 5 minute walk from my hotel. Can't say I got everything I wanted to accomplish done, but I did make some headway on my readings for this upcoming weeks lectures. The atmosphere at Bridgehead was perfect for a reading session, a lot less noisy than the Starbucks down the street (and they support free trade, score). I think this may be my new "spot" for my Sunday routine. Now I'm off to get changed and head to the Byward Market with a classmate for a dinner date! (She's a girl so don't get your hopes up about a budding relationship ;) )


Day Zero #13

Go to a uOttawa football game. 
I can check this one off my list as of yesterday! I went to the home opener vs Queens and the GeeGees won the game with a score of 19-6 weeoo! I can say that I will for sure be attending many more this season, as long as I can find a buddy who wants to come with! The atmosphere was so sick and the cheers (although some were unclassy...) really brought out my inner school spirit that will hopefully continue to develop throughout the year!

It's a Love/Hate


Lucy Rose (Youtube her, amazing)

School spirit & new friends

The Down With Webster concert at Fedstock tonight

PDA: not because I'm jealous, just because I feel like I don't need to watch you and your girlfriend/boyfriend make out and neck each other in front of me in the grocery store, at the football game, at a concert, on the bus, on a bench on campus (the list goes on...and on...)

The distance I am away from home right now, over 3000 kms
and last but not least:
Missing people, family, friends, and a few select others :(


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sept 10 To Do List

- Do "typewriter nails":
- Work out or yoga
- Make breakfast 
- Walk to Starbucks or Bridgehead for a morning cup of joe
- Go to the GeeGees football game
- Go to the Down With Webster concert 

Should be a good day :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Missing Home a Tad

Today is Friday, it was a hot one in Ottawa, 28 degrees to be exact. I had class 11:30-4:00 which went well except for the fact my middle class in at Lees campus which is about a 5 minute bus ride away from main and just not the most convenient. Today I'm feeling a little homesick, mostly I miss my family and my dog, Jack. I'm hoping this weekend is relaxing and fun seeing as next week is when the cracking down in class really begins. I think I still need to diddle around with my schedule a bit (hopefully dropping the first year intro english essay writing course..) and then I'll be set! I think I'm gonna take it easy tonight, I just painted my nails and now I'm gonna go for a little walk, maybe grab a tea, and come back to read a bit. I guess this is what it's like being in third year, no more partying every single night (mom and dad will be happy about that ;) ) I better head out before it gets too late, need to have a productive day of grocery shopping and hopefully find a bike tomorrow! 
- C

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 2 Of Classes

So today was my second day on campus and I had two classes. My first is a class which is pretty much an overview of all the social sciences which although it's a first year course, I hadn't taken before and it's mandatory for my degree. Although it seems pretty straight forward slash boring, I did get to know some of my classmates which was a bonus. Next I had anthro 2108 which is fieldwork... trying to be optimistic I'm just going to hope it's more interesting than the course outline makes it sound. I came home for lunch today and made one of my favourites, a grilled cheese sandwich mmm so basic but so delish and always seems to hit the spot. I got a little homesick today but thanks to my friends from back home (thank goodness for text messaging) I was able to wipe away the tears and try to just enjoy my day which is exactly what I'm about to do. I just grabbed some "supplies" from the LCBO which is their version of liquor stores in Ontario (it works so differently and they were so surprised when I said lots of liquor stores in Edmonton are open til midnight or later...) tonight we're going to a headphone disco in Quebec tonight which should be a neat experience. I'm about to head out to a new friends dorm to pregame and then meeting up with my "frosh group" at 8! Here we go! 

Things I'm Loving At The Moment

 This sandwich was absolutely delicious, who knew Ottawa could do Montreal smoked meat as good as or better than the French city itself! I gobbled this down at a 24 hour place called Dunn's which is conveniently located about a block away from my hotel. 
 Meet Mila, my friend Karl just got her today! She's a Jack Russell Terrier which makes me miss my dog, Jack, who's back home in Edmonton. This cute little face makes me want a puppy of my own to keep me company in Ottawa more than ever! 
 The most beautiful walk to school I've ever had. Parliament within view, it's surreal. 
I love this ring, I'm really into the bows these days and it's a great price point ($1.50 from F21)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day Zero Project

For those of you who don't know, the Day Zero Project is a list of 101 tasks you want to achieve over a period of 1001 days. The beauty of it is that there is a strict deadline which equals about 2.75 years, this means that it's less open ended than a "bucket list". Also, the tasks or goals must be completely unambiguous, meaning once you've achieved it, it's done, there's no "grey area". So here goes, my 101 things are:
1. Hike the West Coast Trail
2. Go to a big music festival
3. Read the Hunger Games series
4. Cleanse my Facebook "friends" list 
5. Go back to Europe
6. Achieve >3 A's in a semester of my degree 
7. Go on a tour of Parliament with the MP I met at work this past summer
8. Start a book club
9. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's 
10. Go to Toronto
11. Get rid of 5 pairs of shoes
12. Go to an Ottawa Senators game
13. Go to a uOttawa football game
14. Join a club/team/organization
15. Eat breakfast every day for a month
16. Send 5 friends postcards from Ottawa
17. Go back to Montreal 
18. Have a real Calgary Stampede experience 
19. Go on a roadtrip 
20. Get a piercing or tattoo 
21. Read a book (not school related) once a month for a year 
22. No fast food for a month
23. Go to a comedy club
24. Learn 5 guitar chords 
25. Surprise someone big-time
26. Give a good guy a chance
27. Save $10,000
28. Start a wedding dress fund
29. Re-read the New Testament 
30. Go to a 90 minute Moksha class
31. Walk or run in a charity event 
32. Go on a wine tour 
33. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years 
34. Pray every day for a month
35. Refresh Spanish 
36. No swearing for a week 
37. Work out every day for a month
38. Make a tie dye shirt
39. Take my parents out for dinner
40. Make a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11
41. Graduate Uni
42. No caffeine for a week
43. Make borsht from scratch
44. Make sushi
45. Watch all of the Harry Potter movies
46. Watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies
47. Watch the sunrise/sunset in the same day 
48. Dress nicely for a week
49. Go skydiving
50. Go to Las Vegas
51. Go to Seattle 
52. Visit Chrissy in Vancouver 
53. Blog every day for a month
54. Go horseback riding 
55. Volunteer 
56. Log 50+ hours in the library in one month 
57. Don't spend any money for a week
58. Make bannick 
59. Leave a note in a book for someone 
60. Have a bonfire & s'mores & wieners 
61. Volunteer at a soup kitchen 
62. Get up before 10 am for 2 weeks 
63. No Facebook for a week 
64. Go a week without gum
65. Make spring rolls
66. Go up north to watch the northern lights 
67. Kiss in the rain 
68. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every day for a week 
69. Try out a new church
70. Have a picnic 
71. Floss every day for a month
72. Go to a Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives restaurant 
73. Don't complain about a single thing for a whole week
74. Get a pedicure 
75. Identify 100 things that make me happy
76. Host a board game night
77. Take a train somewhere 
78. Make a list of 20 things I like about myself 
79. Tie a note to a helium balloon and let it go 
80. Learn how to drive stick 
81. Ask the server to order for me at a restaurant 
82. Renew my passport 
83. Learn how to do a smokey eye
84. Go skinny dipping
85. Answer the 50 questions that will free your mind
86. Visit and thank a teacher/coach who has influenced my life
87. Bake a pie from scratch 
88. Find a personally inspirational quote and incorporate it into a piece of artwork or decor
89. Have my fortune told 
90. Go to a movie alone
91. Back up/transfer files from HP->mac
92. Build a snowman 
93. Send something in to postsecret 
94. Keep a "my day in 6 words" diary for a month 
95. No Twitter for a day 
96. Eat 5-10 servings of fruits&veggies every day for a week 
97. Show up 10 minutes early to class every day for a week 
98. Have a stargazing night with snacks 
99. Give up something meaningful for Lent
100. Go back to New York City 
101. Keep a gratitude journal, write in it for 5 minutes a day, every day for a month

1001 days start... now!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So tonight was tryouts for the GeeGees Women's Volleyball team. Although looking at the website it says there are 14 recruits and returning players, it's mandatory to hold open tryouts for college and university teams. Long story short, the coach let us all know as soon as we walked in that he wasn't really looking for anyone else, not even red shirts really, kind of annoying. Not sure if running back to my hotel to get my court shoes was even worth it. Oh well I would have kicked myself if I didn't try, and hey, I met some pretty good volleyball players who I might play intramurals with... I'm really trying to find a bright side okay? Uggggggg I miss my Thunder Volleyball team :(

First Day on Campus- Orientation

So today I woke up on time for once! Yippee! I had to in order to make it to my faculty's orientation, which was an hour of a professor making jokes in an attempt to make all the first years more comfortable to be out in the big bad world of university. Personally, I learned a few tidbits of information I wasn't sure about before but other than that the biggest score was the uOttawa USB they gave everyone upon entrance. After the orientation, there was a "cocktail hour" of pop and chips on the 8th floor of the social sciences building, which was a mingler with the dean and a bunch of profs from both Sociology and Anthropology. The awkward part was most of the introductions being in French... seeing as I can far from understand basic French let alone when they're talking about academics. All-in-all it was a good experience, I got to meet some of the profs I have this semester and met the guy who is in charge of advanced credit, lets hope he gives me more when I go to talk to him this week! I also ventured to the Starbucks on campus which is a little too convenient, on the main floor of my faculty's building! Even a Seattle based company has been turned French by this city though, check it out:
Although it's blurry, I hope you can tell that it's in French! Welcome to my world for the next year at least, eeek, lets hope I pick up enough to understand a professor's introduction this time next year! 
I'm about to take a nap though, I'm planning on going to volleyball tryouts tonight at 6 although I don't have my heart set on playing so we'll see what happens!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labour Day

So unfortunately my errand running wasn't as successful as I had hoped. I went to Rideau Centre and it was an absolute zoo, apparently it was the only mall in Ottawa open today. Although I did grab an umbrella (plain black, boring but better than a tacky pattern), the shoppers I went to was all sold out of nail polish remover so I guess my nails will have to wait another day before they can be revamped. I did luck out while walking by American Eagle, not my favourite store but my sister and I do have a secret love affair with their sandals, and EVERTHING was 40% off today. I got a pair of simple black flip flops and a pair of "diamond" studs for $22.02! What a deal!

First Night of Frosh, Before & After

I left the hotel around 5:15, I wanted to be on time for "ice breakers" with all the first years in my group (S.A.S.A-> Sociology and Anthropology Student Association). When I got there I met quite a few people, most were 17-19 and almost all from Ontario. After playing some cheesy games that took me right back to my girl guide days, we all loaded up onto a bus destined to Camp Fortune in Quebec. It took about 20-30 minutes to get there and after waiting in line for alcohol which seemed like it took forever, we mingled with 1000+ other first years from uOttawa. It was quite the set up with 4 bars, and 4 DJs all playing different music, half the party was inside and half outside. Inside was so toasty that I don't think anyone minded in the least when it started pouring towards the end of the night, as we all fled to the main outdoor dance floor. Since we got there before 9, it was understandable that we were ready to head home before 1. Thank goodness I didn't stay any longer because this is not exactly what you want to look like when you're meeting a fellow classmate for the first time. 
Long story short, the cabin party was fun despite the never-ending lines for the bars. I can't wait to meet more fellow uOttawa-ers, hopefully some closer to my age (English speaking preferably...)

To Do List- Sept 5, 2011

So seeing as I slept in and missed the bus to "Beach Day" (it's 16 degrees out, so maybe I slept in on purpose) I'm heading to Rideau Centre to get some essentials that I forgot at home: 
- Nail polish remover
- an Umbrella (it rains way more than I ever knew here)
- A comfortable pair of flip flops/sandals that aren't Birkenstocks (I forgot my two favourite pairs)
Out I go! Lets hope it doesn't rain on me (again) before I find an umbrella!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Frosh Week Begins

So today I didn't get a chance to do either of the things I had planned, I slept through church and I can't go to yoga because apparently I have to be back on campus by 5 pm! I guess it's a good thing I went to go pick up my "frosh week kit" because they let me know of all the activities happening tonight! This kit was full of the most random things including kraft dinner, uncle ben's rice, franks red hot, a water bottle, coffee mug, toothpaste and whole bunch of other goodies. 
The only downside is that the only t-shirts they had left were L and XL... and I guess they're mandatory for this evenings events ugh. Each faculty has their own t-shirts, what do you think of the jester style of my faculty, social sciences? Apparently icebreaker activities start at 5 and then the busses for the cabin party leave at 7:30. Cabin party.. I know right?! Should be interesting. Lets hope I meet a friend or two seeing as I've been roaming solo the past few days. Anyways, I should probably make some dinner before heading back to campus for this evenings events! Wish me luck!


Best $5 I've Ever Spent

Today was my first full day in Ottawa and unfortunately my sleepiness got the best of my productivity. After waking up from a marathon slumber, I headed out to load up on groceries. 
For the first grocery run, I think I did pretty well, until it came to leaving... five full grocery bags and about a 15 minute walk didn't go so well together. So after much deliberation, I hailed a cab and to my surprise, $5.27 and about 3 minutes later, I arrived at the front door of my hotel. This cab ride for sure tops the best $5 I've spent, in the last few weeks at least. When I got home, I unloaded the groceries and washed all of the dishes in my suite (some crusty substances on the bowls and colander, yuck) then had a little snack of mini mini-wheats, yogurt and strawberries before skyping with one of my best friends Chrissy who just finished setting up her townhouse at UBC. I was lucky enough to hear from my sister, mom, and dad today, all of which say they miss me already...just over 24 hours after leaving but I can say I feel the same. Tomorrow I plan on getting up early (wish me luck) and heading to a church which I haven't decided on yet, for a 10am service. The thing about finding a new church is that no one really reviews churches. I trust online reviews of everything these days, hairdressers, restaurants, books, and movies, but churches aren't really in the same category. I guess I'll have to do some browsing and sit in on a few sermons before I can find my happy church which I really hope I can find here. I'm also hoping to go to a Moksha class here tomorrow, after going almost every day in August I find myself really missing it even though it's been less than a week. Now it's time for me to hop in the shower and cross my fingers that my hair will cooperate with the humidity here, very unlikely but we can hope right? 