Saturday, September 24, 2011

Putting Knowledge to Work

So for those of you who don't know, I'm a Sociology major and sometimes it has its benefits. This year, more than ever, I have found myself trying to make connections (or making them inadvertently) between the people around me and their surroundings. My newest observation you ask? What people wear to yoga tells you a lot about the city you're in.
Now, you may be thinking, this girl is definitely off her rocker, but hear me out. I come from Edmonton, where living is (pretty) easy and political views come in a full range from PC all the way to the Green party. Moving to Ottawa, a much more conservative city in all terms, restaurants close early, shops are closed Sundays, people actually move for the elderly on the bus... it's just a whole new world. 
So, what does all of this have to do with yoga? Well, yesterday I went to the Moksha studio here in Ottawa for the first time since arriving. My best friend Chrissy and I fell in love with Moksha this summer in Edmonton, and I made it a goal of mine to work it into my schedule here in Ottawa as well. Anyways, walking into the studio, I noticed that the age of the participants ranged from young adult to... old. Also, the room was packed, I mean Edmonton yoga gets busy but this was literally a sardine feeling. Next, I observed that I was the only one, in a class of 60+ who was wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra... little did I know that the conservative political views here in Ottawa transferred directly into the unspoken dress code of this studio. This made me think of every single person I know who does Moksha in Edmonton, bearing little if anything more than a sports bra and short shorts, even men wear minimal clothing. Maybe as you go west across Canada not only the yoga dress code gets less serious, but so do the people. At least I've noticed the opposite going east. 
Long story short, that's my Sociology knowledge going to use...for once. Who knows if I'm right, but I feel like I'm on to something. 


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